Friday, June 11, 2004

Things that make you smile

1) A beautifully sunny day that makes you wish you were at the beach with as little clothing on as possible.

2) Students who remember and miss you for everything that you are and some things that you aren't. (refer to entry entitled "Teacheriologist in action!")

3) Fridays.

4) Free Lunches funded by Staff Welfare funds for dear colleagues who bid farewell to start new lives in Oz. North Indian with chicken tikka mesala and lotsa naan for me, yes, please!

5) Friends who pop back in town out of the blue.

6) Friends who pop back in town with forewarning, but because of the impossible schedules you have been keeping you completely forget about it. And then the surprise dinner that was arranged between friends to meet up after work, albeit with slight guilt, and the evening of catching up between old, old friends.


Blogger Re-minisce said...

cya teacher. i agree with that kids comments, uh. the bits i could understand, anyhow.

have a blessed wedding and a wonderful life. i hope you guys make each other very, very happy. and stay away from the cloning vats.

June 14, 2004 at 11:38 PM  

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